Translation: Tennouji
Encode: WEB-DL
It’s been a while since I started this project on a whim, working on a Mizuryuu Kei Land episode and picking up the slack at a time when the scene was at its low. To be honest, I already lost most motivation way earlier and considered stopping (search when I stopped writing post content if you wanna know when it was) but since I had plenty of time back then I just went with the flow for the community. I’ve learned a few nifty stuff here and there thanks to other helpful folks like widevine decryption, etc. But the least expected one would be how this project improved my English proficiency and creative writing skills significantly.
Seven and a half years later, times have changed. I gradually got older and busier on life in general, finding less and less spare time in the past year. I lost contact with a few friends as well since I had less time to hang out with some of them. I remember staying up all night working on a Kuroinu episode after finishing up with another OVA and feeling like a zombie the next day, reminiscent of overnight cramming for a thesis defense the following day in college days. Sadly, that won’t fly nowadays since I already am an adult with commitments and health to maintain. It’s about time to pass the baton to someone else willing to slave away contribute to the community, hopefully for free as well. The only advice I’d give them is to try not to do the work alone if possible. While still doable, it can be a huge burden to work on 7-12 episodes per month while doing basic fansubbing efforts. There’s also the burden of maintaining accuracy/context (like how I played Dacryon for a few hours to pick up its general settings and terminologies) only to end up with a brainrot OVA in the end. Division of labor solves that burden, and thinking about it now I’m just as surprised that I managed it alone all this time. If anyone wants to know, here’s my general workflow:
- Download the raw – shareraw or webrip
- Watch it – Knowing the story helps with having the proper context. It solves the inconsistency by knowing which info is available in the whole episode. It’s a way to enjoy an OVA if you want and avoid getting spoiled.
- Aegisub – Translation/timing at the same time, then some typesetting/signs if needed
- Rewatch – This can be the most boring yet essential part and I’m mostly stuck at this since whenever I run out of time I have to push it for the next day. Rewatching the same episode on the same day can be frustrating but I always catch basic errors and typos here. I can only count on my fingers how many times I didn’t. You’d want to have Aegisub open while rewatching to quickly fix anything you find. The fact that you need to focus and it is supposed to be a job for a TLC/editor so doing it yourself can be frustrating, much more doing this several times a month.
- Release – self-explanatory
With that being said, I’ll go for an indefinite hiatus. I still might irregularly release stuff here and there or maybe upload raw WEB-DL rips as well, but nothing’s set in stone for now. One thing is for sure: I won’t be actively working on monthly releases in general from here on.
Thank you for your service. You’re a real hero and your contributions will always be appreciated.
Again, thank you.
Bro thank you very much. I check this site a ton and I appreciate you!
Thanks for all of your hard work over the years! Considering how barren the subtitle scene is for hentai releases (at least with ones of great quality like you put out), it was greatly appreciated. It’s sad to see you retire (especially since there are handful of releases both current as well as releasing in a few months that I’ve been greatly anticipating) but I also understand your situation. Real-life (including reducing mental fatigue) always comes first. Just know that it was always appreciated, both by myself as well as many others here.
I can only hope that someone with the background and expertise needed can help take up the reins in your absence, but it’ll probably be a while until that happens. I’m not even sure if there’s a single person out there subtitled hentai releases in English, at least not that I could find. But again, no hard feelings. You need to do what you need to do.
Thanks once more, and wish you the best in your future endeavors!
Thank you for your service
Thank you for your hard work we will miss you greatly
Your works have become the standard for what I considered to be quality H Subbing. I thank you for all the time you’ve put in to the releases and am glad that you found some benefit for yourself in doing so. If you’re going to wrap up your work, would it be possible to get a megatorrent of your releases for archival? I’ve been following your releases for almost as long as you’ve been doing them, but have definitely missed one here and there.
Thank you for contribution to the community!
Thank you both for your time and effort, and also letting us know!
As you can see, it has not gone unappreciated. Thank you.
Where do I even get H-Anime now?
No one uploads raws on Sukebei anymore…
hentaisun usually put out all the raws for torrenting each month in a one file download that has all the releases together.
Where? I can’t find anything on Sukebei
Thank you Tennouji for the hard work through out the years. In the hentai space, I think you were the only true consistent fansubber in the last few years.
Stay safe, Tennouji. Thanks for your hard work.
Thank you for your great work all this time. Have a great rest of your life.
Thank you and take care!
Be well and stay healthy Tennouji. Thank you for all the hard work all these years!
Thank You Enjoy Retirement
Thank you for all the years. All the websites that pirate ur stuff off and make it seem like they sub the videos is sickening bc they get all this money and never try to give credit to you. I neee knew it was one person doing everything. Been watching H anime for decades now nd seen many retire or just leave the scene for eeanal reasons tired etc. Know this, I appreciate everything you’ve done for the scene and the fact that u do it on in ur free time not expecting any kind of funds. So many watch ur work and don’t donate. But as years pass and we get older, we just don’t have the time like we did when we were young. Doing it bc it was fun. When that stops, it’s time to hang it up. Thank you for all ur time. Regards and old fan. Now let’s see those sites crash when people complain even more now that no one will sub any H Anime. Wish u the best and stay safe 🙂
Thank you for all the years. Been an H fan for decades now. Many sub teams leave after it either gets boring, adult now, internal problems or just not fun anymore. You are the last h sub site left. Sad that many sites steal content subbed by the scene and post it as their own and never give out credit. I’ve seen some have comments about why no subs for over a month and we now know why lol. Good luck in life. May it give you the best of it. See ya!!!
Thank you for everything you’ve done until now, take care and enjoy life!!!
Thank you a lot for everything and I hope you’ll be fine in the future.
Enjoy life as much as you can and with things you love.
thank you. have fun!
Thank you for all you Hardwork Translating and Subbing these works.
You will be missed sir, its been an honor to support you on patreon!
Thank you
its my first comment, thanks for the work everyone above appreciates all you have done for us!
Thank you for your service. You will be missed
Thank you for your service, sad to see you go o7
This is all Rostam’s fault
First of all thanks for the hard work all these years. With passing time, life is getting tougher, mainly considering the health especially after COVID. We understand that perfectly. But if possible, kindly continue to release T-Rex & Queen Bee titles. Hentai from these 2 studios are the most important ones these days. We can safely ignore the rest of the studios and their works. Thank You very much and take care. Looking forward for your return.
Thank you. Even though it may seem like a short word, but it is full of meaning. o7
Thank you for everything.
Did you ever know that you’re my hero
And everything I would like to be?
I can fly higher than an eagle
For you are the wind beneath my wings
I wish you all the best
Thanks for your work 🙏
Inoue Teru
It’s been a long journey.
Thanks for everything Tennouji-san.
Thank you!
Dang gonna miss your uploads. We always appreciated your contributions. Take care!
Thank you for everything you have done for us!
We will all miss you Tennouji!
Be well and enjoy your life!
Thank you for your service.
End of a fucking era. Literally. Thank you for your service. Enjoy your life!
Thank you for all your hard work!
As many others, I will deeply regret missing you work and wish to thank you for all those years of hard work that have brought some happiness to many.
Sir, you have been a hero, and I can only salute you.
Godspeed with the rest of your life.
Thankyou for all the hardwork, wish you good health and prosperity.
take care!
Thank you for your service!
Thank you for everything over the years! Rest easy king
It was fun to read your comments accompanying releases when you were still doing them.
I was always looking forward to your subbing of the latest poro works, so I’m sad to see you retire, but your rest is well deserved.
Thanks for supporting us H anime fans for such a long time.
So long and thanks for all the fi…fap
Thank you so much.
Thank you for all your hard work
The end of an era. You got me through some of the hardest parts of my life (pun 100% intended)
You’re the GOAT. o7
Thank you for all the amazing work you do.
Everything ends at some point, huge thanks!
Thank you for everything. o7
Everything ends at some point, huge thanks!
Pop my cherry if you want, but keep doing hentai, please, onii-chan!!
Oh, my God, yesterday my cat leave me and now Tennouji. I don’t wanna love anymore.
When I started watching hentai I watched Erobeat, then when they stopped I moved to subdesu, then when they stopped I moved to sakuracircle, I’m not sure who will be next.
Same here. All those legends. Sad to see the last one go. Maybe one day someone will start subbing again. Time to watch RAW’s and learn Japanese 🙁
o7 take care
Thank you for all your efforts! You’ll be missed but I’m wishing you all the best in life!
This has been my go-to H fansub site for many years. I really appreciate all the effort you have put in, and the consistently accurate and complete translations. I fully understand the necessity to focus on other activities, and hope everything goes well for you in the future.
Take care, king. Thanks for your hard work
For all theses years of hard work and for not only just working to provide us with quality transaltion, but also all the time you spent commenting (even warning us of your retirement – which is rare in the fan translation world), you have more thanks than I could express.
Now, if I may be bold, it might be a good idea to create a separate thread for this subject or even one for talking about where to continu to enjoy the world of Hentai anime fan translation (considering own many bad, or just evil, site there are, some filled with scan, paywall virus and waterwark all over.)
We all whishes you well in the next step of your live.
Thanks a lot for all the work you’ve done these past several years.
Take care and best of luck for the future.
A true bro o7
See you Space Cowboy!
You are the hero we need, but don’t deserve.
Hat’s off.
Thank you for your years of service! Please take care of yourself first and foremost man, no one else is gonna do it for you.
Thank you, you are/were the goat o7
RIP erokuni (great 1080p) and now RIP the GOAT sakuracircle Tennouji
Thank you and take care!!!
Thank you for your good work. You will be dearly missed.
thank you BOSS, you are a real one!!!
So an era ends…
My dick in hand and I are really grateful for all the work you have done for free and sacrificing a part of your time in this life, you always did a great job, never did flashy bullshit in your subs and yet they did seemed professional, clean and nice.
Hoping to hear from you in the future and if not, my best wishes for you, sincerely, hope you do well the rest of your life and again, thanks, we are gonna really miss you and your regular updates.
Sad to see you go, but your health is more important and don’t listen to anyone who says otherwise. I’ve been dling your releases for a long time and you’ve done fantastic work. You’re a gentleman and a scholar! I wish you luck.
It’ll be sad to see you go, but you’ve definitely more than garnered the respect of many here for what you’ve done for the community. Have a good rest and take care of yourself!
End of an era and you WILL be missed but unfortunately not by many. Most people who reposted your work for personal gain and ad revenue did not credit you for no perceivable reason and you were the one of the extremely few people who did hentai fansub work.
You deserve to be freed and to have your life and time back.
Welp, not much h-anime to look forward to nowdays o7
Your supporter
Thank you for your hardwork, take care
Thank you for all your hard work. You will be missed.
After all this years you need to be free from this slavery. Thanks a lot for all your works, it was great to know this place was an anchor for quality h-subs for so many years. Enjoy your freedom and have good time! You deserve it.
Thank you sir. You are already missed. Wish you the best.
Most fan translators quit after 3-4 years, or however long it takes them to get through their college program. You’ve doubled that, and that’s impressive. Now get some rest.
Fellow Lurker here, Thank you for your work over the years and i hope your normal life will be stress free.
The end of an era. I and my little friend thank you o7
Thank you for your service to the cause of animu sluttery
Thank you, you did a great job and will forever remain a legend.