Translation: Tennouji
Encode: Shareraw from hikiko123
The hell week starts once again. Luckily, we got an early release for two OVAs. Being able to work on them this early will lighten the workload for the other few upcoming releases on weekends.
A Bunny Walker release, made by Studio T-Rex, and a pretty nice adaptation. There’s nothing really special in it, but it’s quite a good watch overall.
Glasses on cute girls?
count me in
Indonesian Weeb
Skipped it on first notice, because the NTR police tagged this one as such.
But actually, it isnt. Just a real nice, though short vanilla hentai. A good fap too!
As I recall… the main character fools around with another girl for a while, but then they both find out and everyone comes together in the end (figuratively and literally). So I wouldn’t say this has any kind of NTR, just a bit of cheating.
In any case, thanks for the subs and I agree with anaksamping 🙂
It’s more double dating / cheating then the usual NTR meaning.
Guy with glasses fetish. GF with glass but who removed them when doing H… Guy take out his frustation on his sister wearing glasses.
Guy end up having relations with the 2 girls…. End in happy 3-some when the girls found out…