Comments (47)

  • Anonymous

    Thanks for finally releasing a webrip, saving us from the 90’s

    • Anonymous

      Most hentai anime in Japan still sells on DVD, which has 480p resolution

    • Anonymous

      False, a vast majority of the shit put on sakuracircle you can download a webrip of on dlsite or other websites in 720p. Also stop saying hentai anime, either it’s hentai or it’s anime.

    • Anonymous

      To be quite frank, “hentai” isn’t even the correct term, it’s seijin anime.

    • Anonymous

      It’s less confusing to call it hentai anime, since there are other types of hentai like hentai mangas, 3D hentai, VR hentai, etc.

    • Anonymous

      Some people call it hentai, some call it hentai anime. Doesn’t really matter either way, no need to nitpick.

    • Anonymous

      If anything, it should be called hentai video, not hentai anime. Doesn’t matter that there’s stuff like manga, vr and such. You don’t say hentai anime manga or vr hentai anime. Therefore it should be called hentai video. You don’t call regular hentai images for hentai anime images, right?

    • Anonymous

      Your opinion. You’re free to call hentai anime whatever you want, animated porn or whatever, but I’ll keep calling it what it is: hentai anime.

    • Anonymous

      He probably thinks all doujins are hentai lmao.

    • Anonymous

      look at the fucking gaijins misuse japanese terms. ‘hentai’ is an adjective meaning just ‘abnormal/perverse’. it does not mean ‘pornographic animation’.

  • Anonymous

    I usually upscale my videos using several softwares because yeah, I prefer my pleasure to be HD, but comparing the upscale to a high quality web rip? It’s definitely better. But then again, I’m going to upscale it also just because it’s better to upscale a high quality video already than something that came from 480p.

  • Atréalis

    rss got dead because of shitflare

    • Anonymous

      Whole fucking site is dying, taking ages to load and whenever you comment, it loads forever and even gets gateway timeout but then actually posts anyways lol

  • Anonymous

    is this just better reso and not anything new/different?

    • Bryanis

      Yeah, unless your dear translator make anyu specific comment about some correction, it’s just a better quality video with the same old sub.

  • Shinratenseikami

    The one from HH has better quality, but still this one is good, but do you guys know any downloadable english subtitles for Midareuchi? Just the subtitles, thanks!

    • Anonymous

      Not sure but you could just download the DVD version from this site then extract the subtitles using MKVToolkit

    • Anonymous

      HentaiHaven isn’t better quality lol. It’s an absolute shit job of an upscale
      The colors are completely off, the details are blurred together, you have hard subs, watermark, compression artifacts aswell as slight crop.
      I’d rather watch the webrip than the garbage any streaming site shits out, even dvd rip is more appealing.
      You can see a proper upscale in the imgsli I shared from the dropdown menu. Fastest upscaler that exist and produces amazing results.
      Don’t know why you would need just the subtitles, when this version on SakuraCircle is the best version currently, but here you go, I’ve extracted them for you:

    • Anonymous

      Hi anon, do you know of anywhere that uploads ESRGAN upscaled vids? I just tried ESRGAN on my potato pc from seeing the example in your comparison link but I’m a newbie at this stuff and it was upscaling very slowly at about 1% a minute for ep1 of Midareuchi (16minute vid) and putting my CPU at 100% so I stopped in case my pc would get fried or damaged somehow. Thanks a ton

    • Anonymous

      Your PC isn’t gonna get fried lol, PCs are designed to run at 100%. And it should be mainly using GPU. But I upscale a bunch myself and have a few terrabytes of upscaled hentai. You can find out more in my upscale thread, all information is at the very top: boards (dot) 4chan (dot) org/h/thread/7965266
      All the upscales are free to download.
      There’s even a setup in the thread that makes it insanely easy to use ESRGAN.

  • Anonymous

    Can you please do mankitsu happening

  • Anonymous

    Oh I thought you meant link was on this site. Cant download torrent sadly since my isp blocks torrent. But download here work with katfile and mediafire and anidex.

    • Anonymous

      blue link I mean not torrent link

    • Anonymous

      anidex also dont work since its green

    • Anonymous

      Get a VPN or switch from your retarded ISP to something else or threaten them to remove the block or you’re leaving, maybe they’ll remove the block.

    • Anonymous

      Sadly only option at my home is retarded isp or no isp at all. Sakuracircle is the only hentai site I can download so I hope they will do mankitsu happening.

    • Anonymous

      Just use software Cloudflare WARP. It’s free able to bypass torrent block by ISP and many site unlimited “good speed”. You can pay for premium version if you want to select different server and get max speed

  • Anonymous

    Anyone know what’s up with the end of May releases?
    Is Hikiko123 MIA?
    If so, why is there literally no one else in the world who can afford to buy hentai and upload it lol.
    Or were all May releases delayed?

    • Bryanis

      well, not many people bought them outside of Japan because of
      1) the price : 35-35$ for a digitial download version of a 15 mins episode
      2) more and more buying option are pullling back from hentai selling site, making it hard for peoples outside of Japan to buy hentai…

      And if you want hard copy, it’s even harder since many site don’t send to adress outside of Japan.

      And a good portion of Sharer don’t buy thing that won’t get them money (through multiple downloads – unless they personally really want the stuff) since they need to avoid going bankrupt.

    • Anonymous

      ^ This, combined with the declining quality of hentai anime. No one wants to pay ~35$ for a ~15 minute episode of gigantic boob monster shit, or awful queen bee animation.

    • Anonymous

      Also in Japan, pirating stuff is a crime that can get you jailed. So hikiko123 is a hero, risking his life sharing his hentai anime DVDs to us ungrateful fucks.

    • Anonymous

      Basically, hentai sharing and uploading is back in the dark ages again. Of course someone will eventually come to fill the void, but who knows how long that could take. Strict anti-piracy laws plus a dwindling ero anime/novel industry in Japan means people don’t really care to put in the effort of sharing the media anymore. Our only hope is if the archaic JP ero industry moves towards day and date streaming for international customers, but that’s a bonified pipe dream lmao. Until then just pretend this stuff no longer exists, it’ll make the wait that much easier.

    • Anonymous

      Only like 40 year old otakus buy hentai anime DVDs nowadays, for their collection or for the nostalgia. Most older folks have switched to JAVs, and teens nowadays are lucky since any hentai/porn imaginable is now easily available on the internet, and they can watch it anywhere on their phones.

    • Anonymous

      And they can do so anonymously with VPN .

    • Anonymous

      Can’t someone just buy it and ship it to a Tenso service in Japan and then forward it?
      Expensive sure, but I find it hard to believe everyone who enjoys hentai is poor. Is it just that hard to get?

  • Anonymous

    This is why I always got upset when people critiqued hikiko123 and the rips they did. Calling it “low quality” and all that. Sure they were DVD and in no way HD, but it was better than nothing. hikiko123 was doing us a great service by ripping them in the first place, so it angered me when I saw posters on Nyaa making those nasty comments. I always appreciated what hikiko123 did, at least.

    And now look where that put us. I can only hope it’s because they decided not to rip/upload them anymore and not because something unfortunate happened to them. 🙁

    • Anonymous

      I’m surprised that some people are able to create an account on nyaa. I’ve been trying to create an account there for years, but whenever I try it always says “Registration is temporarily unavailable”.

    • Bryanis

      Nyaa block some email domain (especially “free” email like hotmail & gmail). You may encounter this message if you try to use such an email adress.
      Not all free email service are blocked, but it may just be that you keep trying with blocked domain (aka, mean to fight against bot)… and they don’t tell the true reason to avoid undesirable easily finding out how to get in…

      Kinda feel like this thread, like a few other really got way too sidetracked… kinda feel like we need an all in one thread to discuss everything about the subjects around what we get here, how to acces it, why….. once in a while.

    • Anonymous

      It is kinda nuts that the whole “English sub” hentai raw scene was almost single-handedly being supported by a single person who, either through lack of funds, not wanting to do it anymore, or perhaps something far worse, just hasn’t decided to do it at all this time. Let’s hope that they’ll either pick it up again or someone else will.

    • Anonymous

      To be fair, Hikiko123 did early on add shit filters, making the videos look like shit. And he could have raised the bitrate for his videos. 392kbps (In the case of Kateikyoushi x Saimin 2), even for 480p is just way too little. He’s using CRF 18, when it should be more like 15. When as much as 40% of the bitrate is spent on the audio, you’re doing things wrong.
      It’s still better than nothing, but come on, can’t we set up a system where a bunch of people donate then 1 guy buys bluray of everything?
      People might not want to pay 35$ for an episode as another guy said, but if you could pay like I dunno, maybe 1-5$ a month to access an archive of blurays? That should be able to pull in quite a lot of people and fund the pirates.
      Heck, whoever would set up something like that would probably rake in tons of cash to spare.

    • Anonymous

      Someone named Sakurato took over uploading the raws for now

  • Anonymous

    Midareuchi manga is better, even though this animation is in no way bad and much higher quality than the usual shit we’ve been getting for years.

  • Anonymous

    Would you guys mind uploading only at 1080P?
    Below it are just trash. I can’t believe you guys would upload 720P, or even 480P for that matter.
    Upscale it all you want, and if it’s better than the original, the better!
    (I apologise for my rude comment, I dare say)

    • Anonymous

      No for the love of god, don’t upscale it and give only that.
      If you’re going to rip something, you should share AS IS.
      You can upscale it yourself piss easy.
      And it’s better to have 480p than nothing.
      Don’t get me wrong, upscales are good, but most people do it incorrectly and archiving original is important.
      They have been relying mainly on Hikiko, who only rips DVDs, which is why most releases here are in 480p.
      And almost no hentai is actually 1080p, it’s mostly 720p. Anything above is usually upscaled in some way.
      Someone needs to stop this bullshit and set up a membership site and collect money to buy blurays.

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