Comments (33)

  • Anonymous

    Ugh NTR. Why it has to be NTR.
    disguted into the highest degree

    • Anonymous

      OOOh you must be a beginner that is also my thoughts in the past when I started watching NTR, try to watch different variety of NTR and sooner or later you will realize the joy of NTR that it gives and accept it wholeheartedly nyahahahahahha

    • Anonymous

      and you weakling, disgust me

    • MOAMOA

      NTR is GREAT! u vanilla loser! prepare to be cucked!

    • Anonymous

      huh? correct me if Im wrong do you? mix reality and fiction? me? i don’t that’s why Im able to accept NTR

    • Anonymous

      if you dont want it , just watch another hentai
      you vanilla

    • Anonymous

      These NTR loving losers have a fantasy of getting cucked and having their significant other taken away by some old, ugly, fat bastard.

  • DFeras

    nice to see that a teacher is showing his student the error of her ways

  • Anonymous

    Very fast release, this is really great.
    Thank You

  • Anonymous

    is there a version by hikko?

  • Anonymous

    “OOOh you must be a beginner that is also my thoughts in the past when I started watching NTR, try to watch different variety of NTR and sooner or later you will realize the joy of NTR that it gives and accept it wholeheartedly nyahahahahahha”

    No thanks.
    I might be a pervert but I never stoop so low.

    PS: Plot like this also happens in real life, Believe it or not.

    • Anonymous

      Being a pervert, jack off to hentai, and you still have the audacity to say “i never stop so low”?

      Nah mate, you have always been stop so low

    • Anonymous

      lmao do you also think harry potter happened irl

    • Anonymous

      so could you get us a real life story of people getting ntr’d? those stories would just end up cheating you know and in a dramatic relationship in reality.

    • Anonymous

      No thanks.
      I might be a pervert but I never stoop so low.

      lol ones you started watching and wanking to a hentai bam ba ba bam! Welcome you are now so low!

      PS: Plot like this also happens in real life, Believe it or not.

      Yes I know and I have a clear mind set of whats right and whats wrong

      PS: I don't mix reality and fiction for me hentai is just entertainment

    • Anonymous

      🙂 Ntr Real , alot divorce have ntr behind it , Anime copy real life , realty/fiction may be we all not real at all , just a NPC IN Matrix

  • Anonymous

    one of my favorite series got adaptation. thank you so much

  • Anonymous

    Hopefully the full comic gets adapted, the after story is so depraved.

  • raiden18

    That transition they used in the scene when you first see him with his “manhood” out was weird.

    Thanks for the ep.

  • Anonymous

    this is good but true blue is still the best NTR

  • Komodo

    Why do you have to use a HEVC ACC File? My outdated pc can’t play that file; it only plays audio. and the Subtitle font are awful on it too.

    • kazukaya

      Just use MPC-HC (K-Lite Codec Pack) or SMPlayer (MPV engine) can play all video format without problem.

  • Facts

    NTR is the best just for all the comments.

  • anon123

    Ugh, classic NTR blackmail plot with hints of mindbreaking at the end. Nonetheless, thanks for sharing!

  • 生意気後輩

    I dunno why, when i watch hentai or jav that has ntr in it, its okay for me and i dun care. But when i watch normal anime series or drama series that has ntr in it, its so painful, do you know why?

    • Anonymous

      Same for me.

    • Anonymous

      thats because those two has different approach on executing its story and genre associated with it. You know already what to expect on a netorare hentai or jav since its always on the pleasure side while the other is the opposite rather than pleasure, drama and story is its main point.

    • Bryanis

      Maybe quite simply because you watch pron (Hentai / JAV…) for fap material (ie : sex scene), while you watch normal stuff for the story.
      And When you follow a story, you tend to create a kind of link / association even if slightly with the character. So when the character hurt, you’re hurt.

      In another way, you tend to uncousciously don’t care about the character as long as you get your fap material in adult stuff, while you care for the characters in a normal support…

    • anon123

      I agree with the above two comments. Compared to the average hentai, a “normal” anime has a bigger focus on the story and many more episodes, which means chances of connecting with the characters and not wanting them to go through bad things are much greater.

      As for NTR itself, I find it a bit of a downer – it’s not a “muh onscreen waifu” thing, I just disapprove of cheating in relationships – but in itself that’s not a reason to reject a title outright. After all, it’s a plot element that can be played for drama and to develop an interesting story. My problem is that in practice it almost always goes hand in hand with blackmail, rape, gangbangs, humiliation and mindbreaking (which I dislike a lot more), and by the tenth time you see a “here’s a picture of you naked, I will share it everywhere unless have sex with me and these other ten guys until you like it” plot it’s just… ugh.

  • Anonymous

    If you don’t like NTR, try inserting yourself as the guy who steal the girl, not the one who got stolen, you’ll start enjoying it more. Especially effective if you have RL friends who got hot GF, NTR will fuel your fantasy.

    • anon123

      This may be why a lot of people who dislike NTR have less issues with netori, even though in principle it’s the same thing from a different viewpoint.

      Sometimes it’s hard to draw the line, though. If we get a story about a guy who “takes” a married woman but the husband never finds out or isn’t even shown at all, does it really make a difference? (Stuff like Aniyome wa Ijippari, Dokidoki Oyako Lesson, DreamNote…)

  • ewfdfdf

    people that like NTR are usually cucks.

    • Anonymous

      Looks like we can tell a lot about someone based on what kind of animated porn they watch, huh?

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