Comments (16)

  • Anonymous

    Great sluttery

  • Anonymous

    thanks a lot 🙂

  • Anonymous

    I hope they do the entire doujin for this one

  • Anonymous

    How can i download sub file without video

  • Anonymous

    read the manga its much hotter, the anime art is kinda a downgrade

  • Anonymous

    This is bullshit. I’ve read the manga, one of my favorites. It’s incest, it’s shota, it’s loli, no NTR bullshit and no ugly bastard. Yet this series is ruined by Queen Bee with their infamous powerpoint presentation. Like, fuck!

    • Anonymous

      You must be a sick creature & a pedophile if you like incest and loli.

    • Anonymous

      Imagine defending pixels on a screen lol

    • Anonymous

      you must have such a pointless, lonely, sad and pathetic existence if you are publicly ranting about how an adaptation of an incest+pedophilia fictional piece of erotica is not to your retarded standards XD

    • Anonymous

      Just want to point out two things. 1 Queen bee ruins anything they touch. 2 Everyone hatin on this person is also in this comment section which means you were drawn to it or here for the same reasons…

    • Anonymous

      imagine cannot differentiate a fantasy and a real life, are you self projecting?if you really care about pdf rant on real life child not on 2d pixel drawing of loli.

    • Anonymous

      nobody is arguing about the content, people are making fun of the op because it’s just stupid to rant about it, it’s like complaining about the smell of cow shit but being outraged it wasn’t grass fed… also, SakuraCircle only did the subs, crying about how you don’t like Queen Bee is pointless and idiotic and Queen Bee is not new and at this point it should be understood that if the doujin you read has this artstyle, if it gets an animation it will be by Queen Bee, so… save the tantrum XD

  • Anonymous

    Moron. People comment on all SakuraCircle releases. That doesn’t mean they are drawn it. Also Queen Bee needs to stop making incest hentai. It’s gross.

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