Comments (26)

  • Anonymous

    Good job man.

  • NS+

    Haven’t asked the source yet, but apparently this series is no longer available on A*****.
    Get it while you can.

  • Anonymous

    Super BASED xD

  • Dz

    Lol, the intro is straight out of evangelion…

  • Anonymous

    Finally some cunny!

  • Anonymous

    This series could have been great, too bad it’s ruined by QUEEN BEE

  • Anonymous

    Of course the once-per-season hentai girl that doesn’t come with 30 gallon tits has to be ruined by Queen Bee. We truly can’t have anything nice.

    • Anonymous

      well, YOU can’t have anything nice because you are a little bitch talking out of your ass… “one-per-season” you are truly an idiot…

    • Anonymous

      just enjoy the free stuff little bro……………….
      anyway, uoooo cunnyy!!!!!!!
      thanks for the subs!

    • Anonymous

      Okay, once-per-season IS a little exaggerated. It’s closer to one or two a year that have actually proportionate chests. At least in terms of what’s picked up on this site.

  • Anonymous

    Queen Bee is far better than the likes of Nur, Poro, Shion, New Generation, Suzuki Mirano, BreakBottle and so on. Majin used to be good once upon a time. Seven has very limited titles nowadays. So it’s now only T-Rex and Queen Bee all the way.

    • Anonymous

      well, there are other good ones (Pink Pineapple or Mary Jane come to mind) but I agree that Queen Bee is if not great, at least better than Poro and Nur…

  • Anonymous

    Queen bee employees in the replies lul

    • Anonymous

      at least they have a job XD you probably spend your miserable life in a corner waiting to be fucked in the ass by as stranger for a dollar because nobody would pay more for you hahaha

  • Anonymous

    Not my proudest fap…

  • Anonymous

    Why it had to be Queen bee…

  • Anonymous

    I hate that Queen Bee ruined this…

  • NS+

    Yeah. They definitely banned this series from Am****. The first episode used to be on sale Day One but even that isn’t on the site anymore. To double check, I went to Media Bank’s official site for the purchase links and Am**** was removed.

    Its amusing because in a way this was what Ane wa Yanmama Junyuu-chuu could’ve been if Bunnywalker had actually tried to stay true to the source material.

    • Anonymous

      What do you mean? The adaptation was the same as the source material minus some scenes that were skipped. Correct me if I’m wrong though.

  • NS+

    Response to –
    “What do you mean?…”

    It wasn’t. For one, Aika was Takuya’s blood related real sister, not “stepsister”. Two. The actual context of the feature was her falling from grace due to getting fucked nearby or in front of her two kids (and later her husband). The point that the original CG set was the return of her previous sex life in present time this time as a slut in front of her new family. Or as we’d always would say, “Can’t turn a hoe into a housewife.”

    However was completely ruined because Bunnywalker removed her two children, Daiki, the oldest/elementary kid and the youngest Yuusuke/the baby in all the sex scenes.

    So majority outside Japan took the feature erroneously as a simple typical “stepsister” story.

    Bunnywalker tends to do this quite often i.e. Succubus Yondara Haha. Eri was Takashi’s real mother, not “stepmother”.

    Context is always key.

    • Anonymous

      Oh, ok I get it now. For some reason I thought that maybe you were suggesting that the brother was supposed to be a shota as well like in this one but Bunnywalker had changed it. My Bad.

  • Anonymous

    loli or not, can’t fap to such a low quality garbage, the animation is worse than slideshow and the art is hideous, who the fuck makes this garbage? looks like fanmade crap from deviantart.

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