Comments (17)

  • Anonymous

    Thank you!!!

  • Anonymous

    Thank You for this

  • Bryanis

    Too bad the serie end with the classic “Female can’t win against dick”… it’s getting a bit too clichée in the way it’s used here…

    • Anonymous

      Yeah, especially when she won the bet, and if the student wanted to stay, she should have just been like okay, left, and then called the police, and left it at that. Why did she stay? She literally hated both of those two with a seething passion. Makes no sense.

    • Bryanis

      Well, the bet was for the Student to be free to go, not the teacher.

      However, she would just have to endure a few days. Considering how she end up in this place, it would be easy for the police to track her phone and come knocking to the Janitor place when they start searching for the missing teacher.
      Not that Hentai work are sticking to real logic, but she just gave up sooo easily… and then you basically are at the ending in 30″ after that, they don’t even gave you the occasion to enjoy her in “fallen” mode -_-.

      Ok, it stick to the original manga that is just as badly constructed and end up as quickly, really not a single more content /scene … than the manga

  • Anonymous

    Thank you!

  • Anonymous

    So this is another “raped until she likes it video?”

    Def not my thing if it is. It would be great if there were a few simple tags that gave you an idea of what’s in it.

    • Anonymous

      Unfortunately studios keep animating the laziest copypasta quality stories past few years for anything aside vanilla. Apparently JP bros will buy anything with NTR/rape/blackmail/cucking no matter how shit it is so we keep getting low effort doujinshis and animated stuff like this.

    • Anonymous

      Thanks for the TLs. Unfortunate the quality of what the efforts is used on is mediocre.

      Really sad how low effort NTR works are these days. The antagonist and settings are placeholders and nearly all end up being near interchangeable with little nuance. Studios put trash like this that gets SIX EPISODES? out but Hypno Blink hasn’t gotten animated? lol

    • Bryanis

      Don’t jump the gun guy.
      Yes, it got 6 ep, but the 4 first where all about the student getting NTR’ed.
      Quite the standar story, but at least there was some corruption.

      It’s just that the “teacher trying to rescue her student and fail” is kinda an after thought, and the teacher corruption is just way to quick.
      It’s bassically, “OMG, I endure that much for her, but it didn’t save her so OK, i’ll fall down too here and now”…
      Honestly, the serie should have had another full episode of corruption of the teacher to at least made some kind of sense… but the animation stick to the original manga which have the exact same quick downfall. Guess the author didn’t want them to improvise extra content….

      Annnnd, maybe we dislike the story, but JP circle look at what JP audience like, not what (mostly pirate) westerner like, when they pick-up story for adaptation…

  • Anonymous

    That’s part of what’s so scary. Just the fact that so many people are getting off on the idea of rape her till she loves it, is close to as low as you can go. I’ve never been a believer in the idea that entertainment turns people into what they watch, but this is pretty cringe.

    I know that harping on morality in regards to hentai is somewhat laughable, but if it isn’t consensual, it can be pretty hard to stomach. I wish these things had tags so I could just skip over them.

    I would hate to see what would happen if even 1% were actually influenced by this shit.

    • Bryanis

      There’s actually a few hentai rape that are really “rapey”.
      They don’t go about the girl enjoying it quickly.

      I’ve seen a couple, and honestly, even not translated, having 20+ mins of the girl crying and begging in a more realistic way… it’s just make you wanna puke (for note, no I didn’t enjoy them, didn’t get a boner).

      At least, they exist, and are a good reminder for the dulled mind that rape isn’t something women enjoy (at least in real life) …

  • Anonymous

    I’ve seen 1 like that, but not 20 freaking mins! Then again, I usually shudder and del the video pretty quickly so I generally don’t even see the end. The 1 I did see really made me shiver, and it wasn’t the good kind. 🙁

  • Anonymous

    LCD NTR gets 6 episodes but as one guy said, quality works like Hypno Blink (man of culture?) still haven’t been picked up. “copypasta” fits the description of this series perfectly, lmao.

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous

    I liked only eps 5&6,the other 4 were weak and non-fappable.

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