Comments (37)

  • NakadashiSensei

    I bought this the day of release, watched it well over 10x now (ran it back to back on the first run) and I’ve got a LOT to say bout it.

    For now, definitely suit up for this one.

  • Anonymous

    I would praise jesus if ZIZ revisited one of lilith’s other IPs to adapt. Would love another Prison Battleshipby them, featuring some of the other girls, or even one based on one of their more recent games.

  • Anonymous

    WOW 1080p!!! Thank You Sakuracircle. However, I have said this time and again, N.T.R. Hentai involving Ugly Bastards are HOT AS FUCK as long as the M.C. doesn’t find out. And if the M.C. does find out and accepts it like in (Tsuma ni Damatte Sokubaikai ni Ikun ja Nakatta) & (Yarichin Kateikyoushi Netori Houkoku) then that Hentai becomes very enjoyable but if the M.C goes into Mental/Emotional/Psychological Breakdown like in (Akane wa Tsumare Somerareru) & this one, then that hentai becomes completely unwatchable. This hentai is a great example of BAD N.T.R.

    That is the reason why Hypnosis Hentai involving Ugly Bastards like Saimin Seishidou & Ijirare: Fukushuu Saimin are considered G.O.A.T. & Top-Tier because cheating & betrayal doesn’t count since they are all being hypnotized by the Ugly Bastard(s).

    • Anonymous

      bruh there’s no such thing as good or bad ntr. ntr will always trash or at least that’s what vanilla fanboys will say but as long as the animation is good and has a longer sex scenes plus its ntr then that’s what’s consider as goat. story doesn’t matter in ntr as long as those 2 important things that i mentioned are present in ntr. as for the ntr Tsuma ni Damatte Sokubaikai ni Ikun ja Nakatta, the husband doesn’t know that his wife is getting banged in front of him with only a door blocking the view

    • Anonymous

      Been a while since I’ve seen someone admitted they’re that part of the peak degenerate retarded community,.

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous

    This could of been awesome but none of the sex scenes were good and they were all very quick the animated was awesome wasn’t poro so it’s a plus

  • Anonymous

    animation was good, but uh the sex scenes were so vanilla and tame for something like this. Plus story focused way too much on the husband than the wife.

  • Anonymous

    This is just fucking disgusting. People who get off on animated porn is already bad enough, considering myself included, but people who get off with NTR and ugly bastards are on just a whole new level of degeneracy.

  • NakadashiSensei

    Iight! Let’s get it going.
    Spoiler Alerts.

    It’s a long one but I need to get you guys right.

    Tsuma Netori Zero marks the debut of Pixiv R18 artist Takamori Ishii as both an animation director, storyboard, and character designer. He’s on both Twitter and Pixiv here –

    Twitter –
    Pixiv –

    Starting in 2018, ZIZ approached their 2013 adult PC game Tsuma Netori in a very interesting way. Their previous animated entries, Ryoujoku Rinne (March 2018), Zoku Tsuma Netori (December 2018), Tsuma Netori 3 (October 2022), and Tsuma Netori Kan (November 2023), were all direct timeline sequels to the game itself, which was a brand new concept overall.

    Tsuma Netori Zero, however, is a remake of the 2013 original ero game itself. How is this possible? Well, this is due to being within the existence of a Lilith Multiverse i.e. Taimanin Asagi, Tentacle and Witches, Kangoku Senkan. So in other words, Zero is set in an alternatively new timeline from the game and its animated sequels.

    (With the newest episode of Japan’s most anticipated title, according to Getchu, Tonari no Ie no Anette-san now available, I’ll say this. While Anette-san is not owned by Lilith, it has been implied that she may be a Dark Elf who crossed over from a Taimanin world to an unknown real one within the Lilith Multiverse and lost all her memories)

    The four main characters from the 2013 original timeline’s adult visual novel game are now all reimagined, coupled with brand new voice actors/actresses. This is also why, for the record, native Japanese viewers are currently requesting a sequel. However, seeing how this is a new timeline within the Lilith Multiverse, there’s greater potential here besides animation sequels, i.e., a new game(s).

    Takafumi Kano is the protagonist in this new Zero (or Rei) timeline, not Makoto. In the original timeline, he was older and bigger in stature, already married with a child and the president of the company in charge of the school’s dormitory and cafeteria facilities. Here, however, he’s younger and smaller in stature, and at first, a single man who is the chef at the private school with an aspiring career goal of owning his own restaurant.
    The main antagonist Yasuno Shiro is no longer spry looking. The mathematics teacher has by far the most drastic new look, completely unrecognizable from the original timeline as he’s now the typical “ugly fat bastard” as the kids today would say. His ‘Wife Stealing’ plan is also vastly different in this timeline.
    Makoto in the original timeline was, at first, the protagonist, a Mature type (meaning older) female despite having a very youthful appearance, and was already married to Takafumi and his child. In this timeline however though she’s still a physical education teacher, she at first is single and is actually younger at 21 years of age.
    In this new timeline, the Chairwoman of the private school Shiraishi Kanako is younger, more established, and now wears glasses (the Japanese REALLY loved this new version). Again. Yasuno’s ‘Wife Stealing’ plan with her as the co-conspirator on getting Makoto is also vastly different here. In the original timeline, the plan was that of division between the Kano family couple. Later on, Shiraishi was corrupted by Yasuno. She then joined in on Yasuno’s plan by seducing and fucking Takufumi solely as a distraction to avoid suspicion all while Yasuno was going to work on Makoto. She overperforms by putting it on him so hard that he later becomes impotent with Makoto. However, in this new timeline, she’s already a fallen heroine co-conspirator of Yasuno’s, and the plan against Makoto was purely of collusion. Here she already was aware of Takafumi’s eyes on her during her office meeting and later on (as we’d say in pro wrestling) buries Takafumi with no fucking all in front of Makoto as part of the “contest”. (Makoto was already gone fellas as on the real BOTH, keyword, were just burying him at this point). Also in this timeline, she has no sexual interest in Takafumi and the only thing she gave up to him was that “gift”.

    No more timeline comparisons (I’ll try). From here on out, it’s all about this new Zero.
    I’ll explain where it actually all went wrong. In reality, Takafumi should have never trailed Makoto. Instead, he should’ve immediately hired a private investigator. See, in Japan, if a PI can provide clear evidence of infidelity, the husband can not only get a very easy divorce settlement, but he also can sue the person(s) involved for monetary compensation. The reason why this is because your surname can be/is of great value and a huge deal in Japan. Also another basic concept of Japan. The three faces of an individual.

    Your public face (i.e. public/occupation).
    Your private face (i.e. family/friends).
    The face you don’t want anyone to see. (i.e. murderous intent/sexual deviancy).

    Makoto was the embodiment of the third face. The signs were definitely there. Never having a guard at all. Always going off with Yasuno all the time on every beck and call. She can make all the excuses she wants during the ending, but the minute she lied to Takafumi about her whereabouts because the fact was she had already flipped (as she finally admitted during her letter narration), that was it. Her fallen heroine moment was when her love turned to hatred towards Takafumi due to his lacking compared to Yasuno. However, her antagonist (or villain if you prefer) moment (you literally saw it in her face) was the Christmas Day when she went with Yasuno and Shiraishi’s plan and drugged Takafumi at the exact place, the restaurant, where he first proposed to her. Nasty work fellas.
    Takafumi also revealed his third face (right in front of Makoto) which was that of the “cuckloid” type (as it was foretold in his vision at the very beginning with the difference being his size not matching in reality). His nightmare (dream?) ended up becoming his reality.

    (On X/Twitter go to the handle “@SeduceCleopatra” and the thread here
    ( explains everything which she titled -Dark Female Psychology Thread- from a woman’s perspective keepin it real on women.)

    Makoto ended up divorcing Takafumi (just like in the original timeline). As you can see at the 21:30 minute mark, there’s the classic Japanese Divorce Certificate along with her wedding ring on his desk next to the monitor during her narration and him watching the video as he’s holding on to the “gift” from the “contest” in his hands courtesy of both Shiraishi and Makoto. Again, had in reality he got that PI, he could’ve at least gotten some big paper out of it yet he lost everything. His dream occupation, his wife, all of it, and ended up being unemployed. Japanese females, contrary to popular belief, are very prideful (why she went out of her way to bury him here in the end in the first place).
    The point of NTR is witnessing females going through with their deep dark desires. However in Japan, in reality, there is a silver lining. Divorced Japanese women are mostly shunned by society and that is why most of them go after foreigners, GIs (military) or younger dudes go with them (just to clap cheeks) because they’re on their last leg. There are plenty of beautiful females in Japan, however, going back to Zero, the ending via Makoto’s letter (narrated by her) and video to Takafumi was all about burying him completely. His past, present, and even his future. Again. When I first watched it the day it was released (October 18th), I could tell simply by the tone of her voice alone that the second she started running her mouth I immediately was like goddamn, yeah this is a nasty work burial.
    Lastly some Easter Eggs.

    At the 2:09 minute mark, it is implied that the female student interrupting Makoto’s cafeteria ordering session with Takafumi was none other than Sunohara Ikumi, the main character in the original timeline’s animated sequels (she was the new sequel character after the game).
    From the 2:32 minute mark, the two male students on their bikes that Makoto was yelling at for speeding and the blonde-dyed male running on E at the 7:54 minute mark while Makoto was cheering him on were the same guys who ended up having a 6P clap-a-thon on both her and Shiraishi.
    I take this as ZIZ Entertainment wanting to be a real serious contender again in the ero anime business as Lilith, the company they acquired years ago, was the gold standard back in the 2000s. ZIZ had great ambition with their ZIZ Live Action and ZIZ Anime label initiatives, but they haven’t been in JAV since 2017’s AVOP-357 and essentially went animation only later that year with their Original Works (original anime/no adapted material) brand beginning with Jukujo Shigan and the current five Tsuma Netori entries (including this Zero). However after the legendary Murakami Teruaki elevated Lilith with classics Taimanin Asagi and Kangoku Senkan, his departure from them, and their acquisition by ZIZ, they haven’t been the same as they’ve had a lot to juggle. Until now. With this here, Takamori Ishii is the future of ZIZ Entertainment but it’s up to them to assure that. They have plenty of titles available so they need to recruit talent like it’s war going on outside and get back to releasing more than once a year if they want that runback.

    The glaring problem with the Tsuma Netori series since 2018 has always been that it was never really explicit like a T-Rex (Seika Jogakuin) New Generation (Shoujo Ramune / Imouto wa Gal Kawaii), Seven (Tonari no Ie no Anette-san / Seiyoku Tsuyotsuyo) or even the new studio Torudaya (Koumi-jima Shuu 7 / Iribitari Gal) This title finally addresses that.
    Ero anime desperately needed something like this. A serious tone, creative, in-depth married NTR feature (I’ve seen comments that Zero is reminiscent in tone of ero anime from the 2000s). The NTR in JAVs are on another planet i.e. JUQ-939 but this one of the ones. I’m interested in who’s JAV actress body type Makoto resembles. Personally, if I were to go with a currently active AV actress, it would be Ichika Seta.
    The animation business, especially ero anime, is volatile nowadays and is always trying new distribution methods i.e. since 2014 selling you a potential full-length episode per half episode slices. But nothing will truly ever replace the full-length format. Zero proves this hands down due to the structure and detail of the story. You absolutely cannot tell this story in a mere 15 minutes. Even Director Takamori stated he wished he had more time.

    It’s a huge change in NTR ero animation (not new in live action JAV with the latest example being JUQ-938) which some in Japan disapprove of because NTR is all about the female/heroine and the full witnessing progression of her fall. However I, like most in Japan am with it cause for one, it is high time that ero anime started being more creative again and two, the ending definitely achieved its goal of Makoto’s true full reveal unbeknownst to both YOU the viewer, AND Takafumi all in real time.

    As far as NTR genre animation is concerned, while objectively this is the best 2D this year so far, amusingly it’s very similar in shock value to 3D animation doujin creator, YeBirdie and the work Miyu BBC (as of this writing, Episode 13 and 14 are due by early December) which is only available on Patreon ( and in various resolutions up to 4K. Highly recommended yet better at least have 1TB of disk space.
    Overall VERY good feature. Objectively it’s the best release this year with all metrics combined. Story, characters, dialogue, voiceovers, music, and pricing. The experience is like that of a mini-movie.
    Director Takamori Ishii and ZIZ did a fantastic job showcasing how Makoto ultimately ended up being not only a fallen heroine but also her turn into an antagonist (if they ever decide to follow that up with a sequel). As a Japanese reviewer pointed out, married (keyword) NTR ero animations are rare these days (obviously due to live action JAVs). Relationships are complicated, especially these days but at the end of the day (as the point of all Japanese entertainment) the question is what is the resolve? That’s why its subtitle translates to “My Mistake. Her Choice.” Indeed.

    Life lesson. Be about your paper first fellas.


    • NakadashiSensei

      Hmm. Well for some reason, paragraphs were erroneously meshed together when posted.

    • Anonymous

      Do you know where I could buy the full set? I live in America.

    • Anonymous

      Nobody asked lol

    • Anonymus

      This I got from a script story that someone sent to his twitter @ishitakaHG but it was deleted for no reason, is there a sign for a sequel

      This is the content after being translated:

      A few months after the incident between Makoto and Takafumi that had happened, both of them were still doing their respective activities, although Makoto seemed bored with her own activities which were just playing with men continuously without stopping and being left alone by her sensei, until finally she was reunited with Takafumi at a bar. where Takafumi who was a little confused found Makoto having sex with someone else at the bar. Then Takafumi unconsciously beat the person because he thought the person was sensei based on his old memories.

      Then the owner of the bar saw it and stopped the two of them to calm the atmosphere, Takafumi who was confused also
      unknowingly sat next to Makoto who he had not seen for a long time in a chair position that was facing each other. both of them seemed silent and indifferent even though they met face to face for a moment.

      Takafumi took a deep breath and said, “Are you satisfied with everything?” and Makoto, who heard that, was of course angry and said, “Whose fault is it that I’m like this?” Takafumi, who heard that, could only say a few words, “Let’s play the same game as before.”

      “Game? What do you mean by that?” said Makoto, who was confused by Takafumi’s intentions and immediately approached him.
      “Yes, your game with sensei that I should have won in that endurance.” That’s what Takafumi said, who saw Makoto’s eyes with an annoyed expression but his gaze was blank in front of Makoto who was angry with him, both of them looked tense with a look of hatred for each other.

      “Okay, I’ll do what you want, remember… but this is the last time and don’t appear in front of me again,” snapped Makoto at Takafumi who seemed to know the meaning of the game. then both of them started having sex, the scene started with Makoto
      serving Takafumi’s small penis by inserting it and starting to move his hips while saying rudely
      ”Your small penis is not good at all, even though it still won’t make me pregnant, it’s very different
      from sensei’s which can make me pregnant quickly, besides you also came out when you saw me playing with sensei, didn’t you”.
      but Takafumi who received Makoto’s words just kept quiet with a blank stare without answering anything.

      At that time Makoto even got worse and tried to make Takafumi ejaculate his sperm with various
      styles while continuing to say rudely, but that didn’t make him come out with a blank stare. then Makoto remembered
      Takafumi’s face which used to always be cheerful when he was with him and remembered their moments together, and suddenly that memory was
      replaced by sensei’s face saying ”You will be mine forever, Makoto”.

      Because he was reminded of the sex he had been doing all this time with everyone he met continuously and it turned out that everything was just a feeling of emptiness in his heart, just like Takafumi’s face now, then without realizing it, Makoto shed tears and said, “I’m sorry, honey… I’m sorry.., why am I like this? why did I betray you? why do I keep hoping to be saved by you? why do I keep obeying sensei? why do I have to enjoy it? why is everything like this? why? why? why? while continuing his sex to make Takafumi realize his feelings. Takafumi, who saw Makoto continue to cry and express his feelings, suddenly felt a strong squeeze on his penis. and that made his small penis start to enlarge, and get bigger until Takafumi finally released his sperm into Makoto’s womb, that was the first time for Makoto to feel the pleasure she had wanted all this time from her husband with a satisfying face. then after that Takafumi who realized Makoto’s feelings immediately hugged Makoto and said ”finally my love has been conveyed, Makoto… even though I’m not a man who can satisfy you continuously but I love you as you are”. Makoto who heard it just nodded his head while holding back his tears. then the two of them had a last kiss as a closing that their relationship was back together.

      After a few months Makoto got pregnant and gave birth to twins, a girl and a boy who were exactly the same as herself and Takafumi,
      then at the end of the scene a girl appeared who was spying on Takafumi with blonde hair in a ponytail like a Gal while
      smiling and saying ”I’ve found it, my beloved father, the place where it all began”. then she followed Takafumi who had just come home from work to his house and the two of them looked at each other for a moment, finally Makoto approached the two of them then smiled and said
      ”welcome back my husband…” and also the daughter of my beloved husband” -End-

  • Anonymous

    Very well explained. Thanks for your efforts. I would like if they could continue Taimanin Asagi series & Taimanin Rinko. B.T.W. Rinko is Hot as Fuck. But the problem is that is, this ZIZ studio only makes 1 hentai in span of 4-5 years which is such a Shame. They need to move on from live-action content and focus mainly on animated content. It would be really appreciated if T-Rex can take the Taimanin franchise. That would be great. That being said, one major problem I have from Taimanin series is the “Futanari” theme. The 2 things I can’t tolerate at any cost in an Hentai is Futanari & Incest.

  • Anonymous

    What is the name of the manga?


    Another NTR NONSTOPNUTNOVEMBER IT IS!thanks for the subs sir!

  • Anonymous

    Darn. 1.1GB for a 27min video of 1080p. That’s too big. Sometimes I wish there a 720p option

    • Anonymous

      Bro, download it and reencode. You can even do 480p if you really want.

    • Anonymous

      Too big? Literally how? It’s only a mere 1.1GB, you probably have a storage device that has at least 1 or 2TB of capacity. Nothing is forcing you to keep the file on your drive permanently either, you know you can delete it after watching, right?
      If you do play on keeping it, along with a bunch of other hentai, just buy a decently sized HDD, they cost very little, or re-encode using SVT-AV1 if you have a decent CPU and you can easily shave off a huge portion of the file, more so if you downscale it to 720p.
      People like you are the reason we have hyper compressed videos on the internet, making releasers cut down on size because they’re scared of normal sized files.
      Just shut up and re-encode it for yourself, it takes no time.
      Unless the problem is your internet speed, in which case, stop living in a shithole.

    • Anonymous

      Way to big but only available so I understand. All the stuff over down grading a file when the point is saving bandwidth and could always upscale. And telling someone to move so its more convenient for you means you are a selfish individual. Full vote for the normal, as clause, 480 file size and only higher when nothing lesser is available. So lets ignore self gratifying persons and release for the masses as per set foundation.

    • Anonymous

      Bandwidth is literally not a problem in 99% of the world. Dunno wtf you’re bringing in upscaling for, if you want smaller size you should have low resolution. Low filesize + high resolution looks way worse.
      You’re the selfish one, expecting everyone to cater to the 1% users.
      Also stop trying to use fancy ass words, you’re too dumb to put them together properly so you sound way dumber when you use them.
      Shut your ass up and let us have high quality stuff. If you want low quality, go watch the hentai through some shitty tube site.

  • Holy Sword ChunChunMaru

    When will we see NTR hentai where dominant wife is PEGGING her submissive husband with a strapon ??

    Hentai has become anime, anime is becoming hentai.

    Make Hentai Great Again ! Make it Lewd !!

  • Anonymous

    The sex scene is too short; I hope there’s a sequel.

  • Anonymous

    Even it is hentai but I really feel bad for takafumi please create a 2 part as revenge against that bull guy

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