Comments (10)

  • Anonymous

    Thank You!!! πŸ˜€

  • Anonymous

    Huh? You must be joking. Mr. Anonymous. If you do run this site, I would have expected this on the front page. Not in a comment.

    Even if it’s actually true, please don’t tell me that this isn’t looking at least a little bit, sus.

    This is the internet. Listening to an Anon comment is almost always very bad. πŸ™‚

    • Anonymous

      Oh, I forgot to add, if this is true and you’re an admin, etc, you guys kick ass!

    • Anonymous

      He doesn’t run the site, nor did he ever claim to do so. He’s just a spamming faggot who wants free stuff.

  • Anonymous

    β€œImitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.”
    – Oscar Wilde

    Spamming my own comment yourself and then responding to it (again).
    Damn retard. Wanna walk it AND talk it like me now.

  • Anonymous

    It’s NTR but not an ugly bastard, livable I say. But if this was real life, I would have killed the guy and then the wife, twice, just for the sake of it.

  • Anonymous

    More ho-hum copypasta NTR with the same plots over and over. I’m continually amazed this low effort stuff gets animated when stuff like Hypno Blink isn’t even rumored to be getting picked up for it.

  • Anonymous


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