Comments (12)

  • Anonymous

    Is this any different than the one that was uploaded back in March?

  • Anonymous

    As much as the other user said, how is this different from the previous upload? Which is actually gone now from this website..

    • Bryanis

      Previous version would have been DvD version, which is 720p, whereas this one is web-DL, which is 1080p in resolution.

      In short, better visual quality but take 2 – 4 time more space on the HDD.

    • Anonymous

      DVD is not 720p you retard, DVD is 480p… But yes of course bigger resolution requires more bitrate, 1080p is 2.25x more pixels than 720p. And compared to 480p which is usually encoded at 720×480, it’s 6x more pixels.
      Either way, storage is dirt cheap so it doesn’t matter.
      Any DVD you’ve seen on sites like Nyaa that is 720p is most likely shit like SangenRips which just uses some filters to artificially make it 720p.

  • Anonymous

    Thanks a lot

  • Anonymous

    DVD is 480p. Think before commenting on any topic.

  • Anonymous

    pregnant… yes.

  • NS+

    A lot of confusion here in the comments so for clarity.

    This was studio Torudaya’s second work after Koumi-Jima Shuu 7 (getting a live action version later this month). The first episode debuted on 3/22 and the second released on 4/30 of last year. Thing is that another fansub group (same group that still to this day are the only ones that did Mahou Shoujo Noble Rose) translated it around the middle of May 2024.

    This feature is Full HD. 1920×1080. I’d know as I own this and every single release so far from Torudaya. However. Unlike the previous fansub group (to be fair the RAW then itself wasn’t from them), this one is true 1:1.

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