Comments (18)

  • Mizuhashi Yusuke

    Finally! I’ve been waiting for this.
    One of my favorite Doujin.
    Sankyu Tennouji-san.

  • Anonymous

    Oh, this got an animation.

  • Anonymous

    I’ve read this series and it was so good it almost made me cum just by reading alone. I can’t believe it got animated~!

  • Anonymous

    Thank you for this:D

  • Anonymous

    Oh wow, I had NO Idea this was even in the works! And by Seven, no less (and not someone like Queen Bee). Christmas came early for me.

    Thanks so much for the release!

  • Anonymous

    The artist’s name is “Manno”, for those wondering. Enjoy!

  • Anonymous

    OMG! Omg thank you so much!!

  • Anonymous

    when will episode 2 be?

  • Anonymous

    Please do episode 2 soon!

  • Anonymous

    Just in case you want the live action version, here is the code:


  • NakadashiSensei

    Bought both episodes myself (waited until Episode 2 to buy it together). The blonde colored hair gal girl you all see squatting down next to the main character’s desk in the classroom at 0:49 in made her debut in the Vol. 3 book which came out last month. She wasn’t in the original manga version Vol. 1.

    So I’d take it as a hint that the animation studio Torudaya (same guys behind their first ever one, Koumi-jima: Shuu 7 de Umeru Mesu-tachi and Haramaseya The Animation) will more than likely do an Episode 3 and even future Episode 4. I say future Episode 4 because the artist Manno confirmed that a Vol.4 book is in the works and will be on sale at Winter Comiket this late December.

    Both episodes are top sellers on Fanza. Reasons why was because the JAV version, MIMK-138 was very popular back in 2023. Great price per episode which, very importantly, is competitive with JAV prices AND in high definition by default. Torudaya is definitely on their way to being this decade’s Media Bank/Queen Bee in terms of adaptation. This studio is the future. However I hope Bomb Cute Bomb makes a return as they’re more willing to take on “riskier” adaptations.

  • Anonymous

    Where can I watch live action version

  • NakadashiSensei

    Replying to-

    “Where can I watch live action version”

    This site’s comments sections is janky as it won’t let me Reply directly to you and will just show up as “Anonymous” instead.

    Just type in MIMK-138 on a search engine and it’ll come up. The first site (****AV) that shows up also as a bonus is the best site out there for viewing.

  • NakadashiSensei

    Replying to –

    “Where can you find live action with english subs though? I only found it with no subs”

    There aren’t any available at this time but due to the rocketing popularity of this title, I’d expect one. Keep checking periodically.

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