Comments (18)

  • Anonymous

    Another good series ruined by QUEEN BEE.

    • Anonymous

      good series? the source material was pretty philosophical shit, not something for fapping anyways. sure sexual acts were going on, but they weren’t presented in a manner to fap with. unless it’s somehow your strike zone.

    • Anondickus

      “Good series”—To each their own, but this one made my stomach turn a bit….

  • Anonymous

    Thank You!!! 😀

  • Anonymous

    One of the WORST Hentais i’ve seen…

  • Anonymous

    Thanks You!!! 😀

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous

    Not kink shaming, but for me? yikes… Thanks for the translation in any case!

  • Anonymous

    I dont have account, but maybe someone can leave a comment here and ask if they can fix episode 3 video and the subs?

  • Anonymous

    I don’t know why Queen Bee is still in business… their hentai anime have always been bad, and they still manage to make them worst and worst…

  • Anonymous

    I don’t know why people are saying Queen Bee “ruined” this “good” series… really? this is GOOD to you? the girl is completely uninterested the whole way through and the guy is a loser… ah… I see it… you all feel represented… as for me… I like it when they are at least enjoying it…

    not saying Queen Bee is good… but this series is NOT good either… so… who cares?

    • Bryanis

      I’d say it boil down to the fact that a decent group or person that post here don’t like QB style & animation.
      So whenever there a work made by QB they cries.

    • Anonymous

      Its almost a meme at this point to use a throwaway line “Another good series ruined by Queen Bee” any time a work they did comes out.

      A lot of their stuff they “animated” in the last couple years has been copypasta quality trash “stories” that have been done 23478423978 times anyhow, typically of one specific genre.

    • Anonymous

      This is the worst chapter of the H manga, but it gets better. Especially the chapter where a depressed guy fucks a homeless woman while on heavy drugs. I was hoping that one would get adapted, but kinda pointless now that Queen Bee took a shit on this series.

  • Anonymous

    Does anyone know who are VA there performance was good

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