Comments (18)

  • Anonymous

    Thank You!!! 😀

  • Anonymous

    The files are not subbed!

    • Anonymous

      Subs are working. Don’t know what player you’re using, however if you’re using the K-Lite Codec Pack with specifically Windows Media Player-

      Start button,
      K-Lite Codec Pack
      Codec Tweak Tool
      Media Foundation
      for both 32-bit and 64-bit, select to disable both .mkv and .mp4
      Apply & Close

      After all that, try again. It’ll show up.

    • Anonymous

      I also have Windows Media Player, but I have the Community Compilation Codex or whatever CCC stands for, and my subs work fine.

    • Anonymous

      Combined Community Codec Pack, and it was discontinued nearly a decade ago. And it was NEVER meant to be used with Windows Media Player. Get rid of it and use something else ASAP.

    • Anonymous

      I meant Windows Media Player Classic. And like I said, my subs work fine with CCC so why get rid of something that works perfectly fine?

    • Anonymous

      It’s CCCP, not CCC.

      But yes, subs should work fine with MPC + CCCP for all of SakuraCircle’s releases.

    • Anonymous

      I use VLC and have no issues with subs.

  • Anonymous

    they look so grotesque

  • Anonymous

    well, that was a depressing one

  • Anonymous

    Was wondering why the art style looked looked kind of disgusting, realized this was made by Queen Bee.

  • Anonymous

    Can we get a lardass tag for releases like this?

  • Anonymous

    Leave it to Queen Bee, with their animated gif quality animations to go out and pick up the lowest effort copypasta NTR plots to go with it, lol.

    • Anonymous

      At least there are some funny dialog lines here and there. I just watch new episodes for the memes. But I get what you mean.
      Also, the same voice actress (I’m too lazy to find her name, lol) over and over again. Why can’t we even get HD smut? Because not many are interested, it seems. DVDs are so outdated it’s not even funny.

  • Anonymous

    Boring hentai, but can’t agree more with that title!

  • Anonymous

    Where can I download the subtitle file separately?

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